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Yellowhump eartheater

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Scientific name: Geophagus pellegrini Common name: Yellowhump eartheater Family: Cichlidae Usual size in fish tanks: 14 - 16 cm (5.51 - 6.3 inch) 0 14 Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 7 Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 15°N (71.43 - 267.86ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F Recommended temperature: 23 - 29 °C (73.4 - 84.2°F) The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning Where the species comes from: South America Temperament to its own species: peaceful Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful Usual place in the tank: Middle levels Food and feeding Use a quality flake or pellets for the staple diet, Yellowhump eartheaters will also relish treats of blood worms, brine shrimp and chopped earthworms. Origin South America; Yellowhump eartheaters are found in the river basins in Colombia. Sexing Males tend to be larger than the females and more colourful, they will also develop a nuchal hump when mature. Breeding Yellowhump eartheaters do not actually form pairs but the male will try to court several females at the same time. The female will clean the spawning site and lay her eggs one at a time. The male will then spread his sperm on the rock after the female has scooped up the initial eggs. Further eggs are then laid on the stone and the female will again scoop them up into her mouth, because of this process it is believed that the fertilisation actually takes place in the female’s mouth. The fry should be released after a week and will feed on newly hatched brine shrimp and crushed flake. Lifespan The expected life span for Geophagus pellegrini is 10-15 years. Short description A male should be housed with several females to prevent a solitary female being harassed. Always use a fine substrate in the tank as Geophagus pellegrini love digging through looking for titbits. Pictures Bought by aqua-fish.net from jjphoto.dk.

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